Friday 10 June 2011

The Snowdon Push

Just a quick one to let you all know about plans for No19 on the list!!! :)  

As part of my list of 40 things to do in my 40th year, I have volunteered to climb Snowdon and being the sort of person I am I didn’t just want to climb it and that be it, I wanted to do it in style!!!

So I have agreed to take part in the ‘The Snowdon Push’ for the Backup Trust. The Backup Trust is a registered charity that provides aid to people who have suffered from spinal cord injuries and organise specialised events which help people with disabilities to achieve personal goals.

A colleague of mine has a brother, Andy, who 6 years ago broke his neck in a diving accident in Goa, leaving him with no movement from the neck down. With the help of The Backup Trust Andy has been able to get back some of the adrenaline buzz he has so dearly missed since his rugby and travelling days.

The ‘Snowdon Push’ is an annual event, involving friends and family of Andy’s pushing/carrying him in his wheel chair up Snowdon racing against other teams with people in similar positions. The event is sponsored with all donations going to The Back Up trust. Last year Andy’s team raised £8,995.75 smashing their £3,000 target, this year the aim is to raise £10,000.

The Backup Trust has helped Andy complete numerous goals including:-

Going sailing on his own, taking part in The Great North Run and the Manchester 10k, He is also a keen skier and has played a pivotal role in lots of other fundraising events for various other charities.

Andy is currently playing the part of Steve Kelly in Emmerdale, (Jackson’s mate) this role highlights Andy’s positive and outgoing outlook on life, and has made him somewhat of a local hero.

I am sure you will agree he truly is an inspiration to many!!

Please see the link below for more details of this fantastic charity.

If you would like to sponsor me and the team you can do so by either visiting our team website below or via the traditional manner of a paper sponsor form.

Please give as generously as you can and know that your kindness is much appreciated.

Much love and wish me luck....I think I’m gonna need it (“,) !!!!
Kathy XX

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