Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Update of 'THE LIST'

Create a blog and update at least weekly
on going
Decorate at least 2 of my 10 rooms
Book and pay for my New York trip
Make a pop video
Lip (lie in public places) and take photo’s as evidence in at least 4 cities
Take part in school sports day (Mum's race)
Go to the top of Blackpool tower and walk on the glass floor
Donate to 40 charities
On going
Place a £40 bet by myself
Go to the Cinema on my own
Write 40 handwritten letters to 40 different people
Ride a Bucking Bronco
Fire walking /willow wood
Play for a girls football team and compete in a competition
Lose 40lbs
ha ha
Dance in a big production
Go to a festival
Sit on Santa’s knee wearing an elf outfit (photo evidence required)
Climb Snowdon
Cocktail afternoon or evening  at the top of the Hilton (Manchester)
Have one sober night out a month and put the money (£40) into the New York fund
Have a horse riding lesson
Go veggie for a week
Go camping
Do some volunteer work
Hire a sander and tackle the kitchen floor (with maybe the help of one kind soul)
Sing on my own in a karaoke bar
Sign up for a college course (subject TBC)
Race for life
Give up chocolate for 40 consecutive days
Give up alcohol  for 40 consecutive days
Watch and learn at a cricket match
Ride the Big one in Blackpool alone
Have a clairvoyant evening at home (supposedly haunted house!)  
Skinny dip
Do the splits
Be a month on a naked calendar
Blackpool’s  Passaje Del Terror alone
Learn to change the tyres on a car
Make a scrap book of all the 40 challenges and the fun times had!!??


July continues and the fun times too, having just got over Snowdon, Weds 13th July brought with it the day my baby girl graduated!

So off to sunny Wales we went, Me, My Mum and Dad, Laura and Cameron. What a lovely day and one of the proudest days too! Laura looked awesome in her cap and gown I was bursting with pride. when she went on stage I was torn between taking her photo and clapping her, I let out a little 'yey' a few tears and ended up with a very blurred photo!!!

We went for tea in a Nice little pub just at the side of the Menai Bridge in the sun. perfect ending to a perfect day.

There were more tears in store when I got home, Laura decided to show me the dedication she had made in her dissertation. it read as follows:

'To my Mum, my best friend, for everything she does, I don't know where I'd be without her love, support, encouragement and unwavering belief in me.'

How nice and what a beautiful thing to say! I can't say how much I love my two and the pride grows daily!!!

Two days later it was Cameron's turn... School sports day.
booked the afternoon off and went to watch, the first time in years the school have gone back to the traditional sports day, complete with sack race, egg and spoon race and obstacle course! Cameron came third in the egg and spoon race and Me??? yep I took place in the mums race (No 6 on the list) and came third!!! Go Kathy Go Kathy!!!!

So that's nearly July over.... where on earth is the year going! Still lots of things to do on the list and still having a ball... I'll be back with more tales soon!


Snowdon - Awesome!!!


Week 1
With Snowdon fast approaching we were struggling to prepare in time, we were all kitted out with tents and camping equipment but physically prepared??? God help me!!!

First weekend of July we were invited to Sam and Mark's with Mel and Pete for a BBQ, we had a great time but Pete being the big kid he is, had us all on shots and cocktails so we were both a bit worse for wear the next day. we had no choice however but to carry on regardless of hangover and climb Dovestone to Chew Reservoir. (last chance to make me realise how hard Snowdon was really gonna be!
It was hard believe me and my knee was playing up too (weeks of abuse , dancing, football and more dancing didn't help) so anyway we did it, it was a lovely day and I ached like mad the day after. to say I was dreading Snowdon would be an understatement.


Number 19 off the list and I've got to say this has got to be one of the hardest things I have physically ever done!!!  I hated every minute of that climb!!! But the weekend was ace!

We arrived at the camp site in Bangor on Friday night to be met by Steve and his brother Andy and the rest of the team. Steve works at Mono and is a lovely lad, his Brother Andy is the guy who had the diving accident 5 years ago and is now paralysed from the neck down (see previous posts) The weekend we had agreed to take part in was the Back up Trust's Snowdon Push, basically we were raising money for the trust by carrying Andy in his wheel chair up the highest mountain in England & Wales.  No mean feat! I of course wasn't part of the carrying team as I had a challenge of my own.... getting up the hill!  

So camping is also something I have never actually done,(No 24) so I stood and watched as Ken and Steve set up our tent and had a couple of beers, we all sat round a BBQ and had a really good evening. went to bed around 12.30 conscious of the fact we had to be bright and early the next morning.

Saturday soon came around and to be honest apart from the fact there was a dog a few tents away that liked to bark I actually slept very well and was up for the day ahead........
I'll not lie!! Climbing Snowdon was one of the hardest things I have ever done (did I mention that??) it was physically demanding and mentally hard too. Ken was my rock! if it wasn't for him I don't think I would have got up there, I hated every minute of that climb up there, even the beautiful views could not distract me from the pain and the only time I smiled was when I got to the top... and guess what I did??? yep I LIPPED at the top of Snowdon!! GET ME!!! :)

Coming down was easy! I could have skipped it! oh and the views were ace! Next time I'm getting the train up and running down!!

Seriously though, I have to say what an awesome effort the team made, Andy was in his wheelchair spurring them all on and the lads worked together as team and made Andy's dream work! I was in awe of everyone of them!! half way up the wheel buckled on the chair, this meant they had to physically carry him, now how they did that I will never know, what an amazing bunch of people! Andy has said on record that he hates being called an inspiration, well the whole team deserved that title in my eyes that day! I loved it!

Saturday night brought with it the joy of public showers (",) NICE!! and my camping experience was complete!!! we also had a Push Ball where the trust presented the winning teams with awards, Our team won an award for the most money raised, get this... there were 16 teams in total and up to that night between them they had raised £50,000!! amazing! even more amazing was that our team raised a quarter of that!! over £12,000.....

An experience I will never forget and a what a pleasure and privilege to have been part of the team!


Monday, 18 July 2011

Where does the time go......

Where indeed does the time go? OMG I'll be 40 before I know it and that means I don't have much longer to complete my challenges!!

Another busy month, but hey I am having a ball!!! They say life begins at 40 well I tell you what I'm living mine to the full now so god knows what I'm gonna do when it begins!! (",)

Quick update on the month of June:

Week 1
I had a little bit of a woman's op on the1st of June, nothing major and all OK, but I stupidly (as I do) didn't listen to the nurse when she said rest a few days! I went to Castleton with Ken and the kids and went up and down the many steps of the Blue John Mine and then foolishly attempted to climb some bl00dy hill opposite (mam tor or something??) I was conscious that Snowdon wasn't far off and I needed some practice, what I didn't think about was what the nurse had said and ended up in agony... anyway we live and learn and after a weekend of rest I was back to normal (as normal as can be!!)    
 Was Ken's birthday too so we had a trip to Go Outdoors for new boots and I started to get a bit giddy about Snowdon.

Week 2
 I took Ken to the comedy store for his birthday treat and  we had a great night, it was the Edinburgh previews and although there was one good comedian I have to confess I fell asleep during the second act!! not a good sign eh?? had a few more drinks after and really enjoyed the night.
That weekend brought with it my mate Shelley's 40th party, was a really good night with some great company, a chance to introduce Ken to the dancing girls too and because I'd organised Leeds and helped with the buffet, Shelley bought me a beautiful bracelet and some flowers.

Week 3
Show time, number 16 on the list. Taking part in the 'Nicholson Academy's Next Generation' show at the Royal Northern College of Music, was ace!! I have been dancing since I was 3 and have always loved the buzz of the stage, (yes I know I am a show off!! ) but dancing with these girls is always such a laugh, we all get on really well and can quite easily take the mick out of each other without offending. Igot a bit giddy on the dress rehearsal and had a tad too much of my special water, ended up slurring my words before my 3rd dance! Wasn't good and spent the rest of the afternoon sobering up before the evening performance. The shows were great and even Ken enjoyed himself! (so he says!)       

Week 4
From tap shoes to football boots!! Number 14 on the list, play in a girls football team. It was the Mono annual football tournament and I captained the ladies team, was a great day with a lot of laughs! we didn't win needless to say. Can't imagine we'd ever beat 6 blokes teams, although I did show a few goalie skills and won a prize for the most saved goals in one match and Melly one player of the tournament after being voted player of the match the most. was a great day but not sure I could do it again... we'll see...... 
Sunday was supposed to be a last minute attempt to get some walking in before Snowdon, needless to say we were both aching after the football and decided a walk round Daisy nook after tea would have to make do instead!

So that was June, bring on July with Snowdon, graduation and sports day!!